How to grow cuttings?

Any plant grown in a garden, greenhouse or in-house can be propagated. The advantage of growing cuttings is that the new plants are genetically identical to the mother plant and each other. The way to start cuttings depends on the crop. There are 10 methods of plant propagation. In this blog, we will discuss these methods and explain how to encourage growth.
Let’s start with some general tips
- Always use a sharp knife or pruning shears. This will allow the plant’s wound to heal faster. You will also prevent fungi from taking hold.
- Cuttings should be between 10 and 14 centimetres long.
- Only use the cuttings from a healthy plant.
- Cut a strong stem.
- Clean the pot in which you will plant the cutting.
- Use rainwater to water young cuttings.
- Remove withered and dried leaves from the cutting.
Tip layering
This cutting technique is perfect for raspberries, trees and roses. Cut the tip directly underneath a leaf of the mother plant. Make a straight cut. Place the cutting in slightly moist soil and press carefully. Protect the cutting from bright sunshine.
Stem cuttings are quite similar to tip layering. When applying this technique, make sure to use a full-grown cutting: a sturdy stem. This method is used with Hydrangeas, Rhipsalis and Euphorbia species.
With this method, the leaf is the new cutting. Leaf-cutting can be done in multiple ways: leaf with petiole, leaf with solely the main vein, leaf with lateral veins, a cut leaf and a leaf with nicked veins. The optimal method depends on the plant species.
Cutting roots is best done in November or December when the plants are dormant. Cut 2 roots off a plant, just above or under the root ball. Place the plant back immediately. Rhododendron and Anthurium are among the plants that can be propagated by taking root cuttings.
Take an aerial root, a twig or a stem and bend it towards the ground. Make sure it keeps touching the soil, enabling the plant to grow new roots. Layering is particularly suitable for creepers, for instance, Philodendron and Scindapsus.
T-budding, or shield budding, effectively means: placing one plant onto the other and allowing them to grow together as one. Make a slit in the stock plant and cut off a branch from the plant you wish to propagate. Loosen up the slit and place the cropped branch inside. Use a rope to tie both plants together. T-budding works very well for roses.
Several tree species can be propagated by applying air-layering – or marcotting. Air-layering involves the selection of a branch, from which you remove the leaves before encouraging root growth. Root growth is achieved as follows: make a cut in the branch and attach to it a plastic bag, filled with a mixture of substrate, soil and cotton. After a few weeks, new roots will appear. Cut off the plant below the new root system and transfer to a pot.
Grafting involves attaching part of a plant to a donor plant. Cut a triangle in the donor stem and cut the section you wish to propagate in the opposite shape. Now place this into the triangle cut of the donor plant. Secure with tape or rope. Grafting is most commonly used in the propagation of Ficus Panda and some Euphorbia types.
This method is highly suitable for fruit trees. Wait for the leaves to fall from the shrubs and the cuttings to be fully grown. You can identify a mature cutting by its dark brown colour. Cut off the middle piece of the stem and plant in spring-time.
Division involves carefully taking apart a healthy plant, before transferring the 2 or 4 pieces to a pot. Strelitzia Reginae and Zamioculcas are particularly suitable for this propagation technique.
Encouraging the growth of cuttings
You can optimise the growth of your cuttings by applying Bio Clone. This gel ensures accelerated root growth. It also protects from diseases. Place the bottom of the cutting in 20 to 30 millimetres of gel and leave for 2 minutes. Next, place the cutting in the growing medium. Bio Clone is registered with the Vegan Society Trademark, rendering this product applicable for vegan farming.
More information
Would you like to learn more about plant propagation? Or about Bio Clone? Feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to helping you out!